Saturday, February 2, 2013

What's My Purpose?

I feel so lost. What is God’s will or His purpose for me in this season? Did you know, I was asking this same question 8 months ago? I have emails to prove it. I was emailing my friends and asking them as if they knew! It’s pretty funny looking back. It was a hard season, because I felt the exact same way as you do. A lot of what ifs, should have, what now, feeling of emptiness, and lacking joy… sounds familiar?
Here’s what I’ve learned during that time.
I often tell people that right where you are is His will or His purpose for this season. We don’t know His exact plans for the future, we do know that His plans are always good and never to harm us. Jeremiah 29:11
If we keep seeking for our future purpose and His will, we lose sight of what’s going on in the present moment.
Although, I feel there’s nothing enjoyable right now and everything is mundane and redundant. Nevertheless, I need to remember that serving Him right where I am can be very enjoyable, if I choose for it to be. Serving includes volunteering, cook a meal for the sick, help a friend, drop off a small gift for someone, or encourage someone who is going through some hard times with coffee. I told you it can be fun! Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically. -Romans 12:11
God’s will or purpose for your life may not include a big platform or a big ministry. You may never get a big platform. I may never be on stage preaching and that’s okay with me. I just want to be faithful and obedient.
When I am faithful with the little things in life, God can entrust me with me much more. (It’s my favorite quote! You’ll hear it a lot this year.)
Luke 16:10 tells us, “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.” Can God trust you with what little you have, presently?
Don’t concentrate too much about your future purpose, rather think about who can I serve right now? What can I do to make a difference? And see where He takes you as you continue to be faithful.
I pray that as you look for ways to serve, you’ll grow closer to The Lord and He will open up doors for you. Remember, this is not a religious duty. It is out of His love that we are compelled to serve and love one another.
For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don’t use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love. -Galatians 5:13

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